Admitting Defeat!
Last Monday was my tenth jab. Been struggling for weeks, up and down like a yo-yo, determined, stubbornly, to ‘do it My Way’!!!
It is now Saturday, and this morning I had to face the fact that depression has set in. I have been slowly changing, retreating into my shell, not visiting the forum, feeling I had nothing to contribute; all signs of depression, but I did not want to admit it.
When I started tx I was adamant I did not want antidepressants. I had taken a long time to get where I was in my head, a nice gentle and balanced place and didn’t want to change that. Well, I now have to face that slowly but surely, Interferon has depleted my brain of serotonin and running out fast.
Time to go to the docs for a script, I think; ‘I’ am not there anymore, I feel as if I’ve gone AWOL, going from total rage to sobbing desperation at the drop of a hat; but worst of all, starting to doubt the purpose of it all.
Time to go to the docs, I think, while my logical mind still tells me that ‘there is’ a purpose for this tx, and a life after tx.
This week I also have been terribly ill, breathless and with violent coughing fits at the smallest exertion, even lying in bed hurts so I have to get up as my body hurts so much. At first I saw the weight loss as a plus but now my arms look more like muscle wastage, and ache constantly. I saw the antidepressants as failure to cope (me and my arrogant head!) But now they seem the only answer to keeping me afloat.
I know I am depressed because at the moment I feel like a wounded tigress who is unable to protect her young, but my ‘young’ are grown up; they are capable to look after themselves; the best way to be there for them is to ‘look after myself’ and get better, no brownie points for heroism. These illogical thoughts were not there before tx, and nothing has changed in my life, apart from good stuff, a new granddaughter and tomorrow the christening of my next two grandchildren, all happy stuff.