liliana's world

My experience of HepC treatment

Location: Bolton, United Kingdom

argentinian born, into shamanic practice and self development. I am a teacher and craft person, but not working at present

Monday, February 27, 2006



Another two weeks have gone by.  Injection 22 was uneventful… or am I just getting used to it? I reckon it has now come part of my life and unless something drastic happens, this is the way things ‘are’. Or maybe I am so tired that I don’t have the energy to complain anymore?
I must say that tx has proved to be a lot less harsh than I feared beforehand; yes there has been moments of panic, but mainly because there were unfamiliar experiences. Overall, a tongue covered in tiny and painful white pimples, headaches, appetite loss, a bad chest and an intense tiredness.

Last week I went to the hospital, blood tests ok apart from my hemoglobin, which is now 11.2 but according to the doc no cause for concern.
Today I shall be doing injection 24, and next week back to the hospital for my next viral load.  Over the last week my energy has been tested as due to a family crisis I have had my three month old granddaughter and my son staying with me; back to looking after a young baby!  It has been challenging as they came on injection day and only managed three hrs sleep, by Wednesday I was so tired I could hardly speak and shaking uncontrollably (he! Too old for kids), but once I managed to manage my time and get sleep when she sleeps I have actually really enjoyed it.  The love and trust of a young little life has given me a much needed boost of hope.

Monday, February 06, 2006



Today I went to the hospital.  My platelets have gone up slightly and my thyroid function is normal.  My hemoglobin is 11.7 but nurse says that before tx it was 14.5; according to her, that explains my tiredness, as my body was used to that level.
At least it is good to know that my dopiness is due to my blood and not of dying brain cells; my son reminded me that my brain cells went missing a long time ago. Oh well, nice to know, the cheeky lad.

From now on the hospital appts will be fortnightly to keep a check on me.
In four weeks time I am having my second viral load test.

I have just had my 21st injection and will update if necessary.  Got some new dvds to watch this week, hehehe.



On Monday I had my 20th injection.  It was an uneventful week, mainly due to the fact that I slept for a lot of it. Wherever I went I just found it hard to keep awake. Watched dvds a lot, well at least part of them as I kept nodding off.

No major side effects, just the regular headaches and rather a sore mouth and tongue.  I am not complaining because at least I have not had actual ulcers or blisters; had a try of some chicken which had chilies in it for my daughters birthday and I spent the next half hour with my tongue in a glass of water, he he!
Still being positive and trying to giggle at the situation; nearly half way there.