liliana's world
Nearly a month ago found out that tx had not worked ,THO UNDETECTABLE AT 24 WEEKS) and that, in just 4 weeks the VIRUS IS BACK, AND MULTIPLYING NICELY, THANK YOU. NO FURTHER TX AVAILABLE.
YES, I still have a chirrotic liver which the virus will continue to attack. My absurd dream of longevity shattered with only acceptance round the corner? NOT YET!!!
I have GONE through stages round and round, shock, sorry for self, wanna hide stage, anger stage. With the stage my liver is in, looking forward to the future seems a hard thing to do and at times I DO question of it all. Seeing my beautiful babies in the nice adults they have become; and seeing part of them in their own babies, doing the things we used to do when they were little; what should be joy is at present covered in a blanket of intangible sadness.
Going to the hospital monday for results of another scan and another battery blood tests. sometimes i live for 'just the hour', all i can manage.
Nearly a month ago found out that tx had not worked ,THO UNDETECTABLE AT 24 WEEKS) and that, in just 4 weeks the VIRUS IS BACK, AND MULTIPLYING NICELY, THANK YOU. NO FURTHER TX AVAILABLE.
YES, I still have a chirrotic liver which the virus will continue to attack. My absurd dream of longevity shattered with only acceptance round the corner? NOT YET!!!
I have GONE through stages round and round, shock, sorry for self, wanna hide stage, anger stage. With the stage my liver is in, looking forward to the future seems a hard thing to do and at times I DO question of it all. Seeing my beautiful babies in the nice adults they have become; and seeing part of them in their own babies, doing the things we used to do when they were little; what should be joy is at present covered in a blanket of intangible sadness.
Going to the hospital monday for results of another scan and another battery blood tests. sometimes i live for 'just the hour', all i can manage.