liliana's world

My experience of HepC treatment

Location: Bolton, United Kingdom

argentinian born, into shamanic practice and self development. I am a teacher and craft person, but not working at present

Sunday, August 13, 2006

liliana's world LAST INJECTION DONE

Eight weeks since i last blogged, but this has been due to my pc been off.
It seems a lifetime since injection 40. I think the nearness of the end of tx had a major effect on my mood, as i started to think of 'real life' and going further away than the bathroom or the couch lol.
The tx dose reduction slowly made a difference, and maybe it was helped by the reductions i made of codeine and Citalopram. I am now on 20 mg and planning to reduce it to 10 starting tomorrow. My head feels as it did prior to tx and i feel the antid's have done their work but may not be needed anymore.

As for what I thought of tx? time just flew (whether it felt like that at the time or not). At the begining I was full of dread of when or whether the 'side effects' were going to come. And, I guess that was it, once they came time was taken up with dealing with whatever was going on at the time.
I found they changed from week to week, guess they were like the beer that reaches parts others cant, eh. After a few months I 'got used' to the regular side effects, the problems came when another part of my body was getting depleted.
Apart from all the physical stuff, 48 weeks has been virtually a year of my life and, while on one hand tx suspended normal expected activity, on the other hand I now see it as a welcome 'time out', a time to reflect. This was certainly not a side effect I expected, but I have changed during this time; maybe due to the sheer fear during tx my priorities and perception have changed.
Ah, last episode was last week, when I ended up in hospital with a kidney infection and hooked up to all sorts. hehe, and so it goes........... I do not expect my recovery to be sudden, it took 48 weeks for my body to reach this imbalance level so lets time do its work. What I do expect is a small improvement from not bombarding my system with weekly doses of Interferon and Rebetol.

I shall be having my 48wk PCR and take it from there. I ewas undetectable at 24wks so keep my fingers crossed. Although tx was at times challenging, my biggest fear was oddly to be taken off it lol. ODD thinking!!!